As there are two sorts of problems - 'easy fix' ones ("There is a bank
here", "This road is Clifton Road, not Clifton Avenue etc.") and the 'hard'
ones ("this road is also part of NCN Route 17" or "there is a road missing
here"), maybe we need two solutions?

OpenStreetBugs is pretty good for the harder ones, but I think we should
encourage casual users to fix the easy ones.

This would mean providing a simple editor with a very limited feature set,
that concentrates on being easy to use (probably following Microsoft UI
style of single click, double click, right click etc. to make it intuitive
for most users).

I have seen a javascript application to allow users to add POIs (can't
remember the web address though) - I would suggest that we work up a
specification for what a non technical user would need to be able to work on
these simple things and look at producing something similar under the 'Edit'
tab, with an 'Advanced' option that opens Potlatch.



On 21 February 2010 16:04, John Smith <> wrote:

> On 22 February 2010 01:37, Dave F. <> wrote:
> > Streetbugs encourages people to 'get others to do it' when OSM should be
> > encouraging them to 'do it yourself'
> While it'd be nice if people would fix any problems themselves, I
> don't think OSM's website is at the point where some granny can just
> quickly/easily sign up and tweak a few things, there is simply too
> many alien concepts for most people to grasp quickly and easily. Find
> some random non-technical family member and try and explain it to them
> some time.
> In the mean time if they can quickly explain the problem people could
> explain to the person reporting it how to fix it.
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