On 28 February 2010 12:51, Tim McNamara <paperl...@timmcnamara.co.nz> wrote:

> On 28 February 2010 08:56, David Earl <da...@frankieandshadow.com> wrote:
>> On 27/02/2010 09:31, Valent Turkovic wrote:
>> > I was hoping that Yahoo has their own maps and that we could use them.
>> Whatever the legality, I can't see the point in making a map which is
>> simply a copy of someone else's. Why go to the bother - you might as
>> well just use the original.
> Why bother?
Because you want  a vector data map rather than a raster map of flat images?
You can search in interesting ways and you can do automated cartegoraphy
(pink yahoo maps anyone?).

But of course this is assuming you trust the source of your tracings, and a
lot of us like to get out there in the rain & mud to see roads ourselves.

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