
Estoy al tanto, de hecho he escrito un par de cosas en la lista, abogando
por usar USHAHIDI en lugar de desarrollar desde cero.

Si les interesa que vaya mañana después del trabajo (17:30-->), yo feliz. Ya
me ofrecí a través de la lista de correo, pero creo que no hubo respuesta.
Como te digo, estoy totalmente disponible.


Julio Costa

On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 6:08 PM, Leo Soto M. <leo.s...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Julio,
> En caso que aún no sepas (probablemente ya sabes), se ha juntado un
> grupo para armar chileayuda.com en Huelen 164, oficinas de Oxus, y por
> lo que he visto acá, parte importante de lo que se esta haciendo es
> una interfaz de mapas, conectado a ushaidi.
> En caso que no hayas estado al tanto y te interese coordinarte con
> ellos, seria genial que te pusieras en contacto con ellos.
> On Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 11:26 PM, Julio Costa Zambelli
> <julio.co...@openstreetmap.cl> wrote:
> > Yes, I do know Chillan, Cobquecura, Buchupureo, Dichato, and pretty much
> the
> > southern part of the area affected (My mother, brother and grandparents
> live
> > in Chillan).
> >
> > I think that we can make a list of cities and towns around the epicentre
> and
> > start mapping from the centre to the more remote ones. There are plenty
> of
> > small town right near to the epicentre, most of them affected by the
> tsunami
> > (the ones right by the sea) and many more inland with infraestructure
> > problems.
> >
> > I am organizing some training sessions for people with knowledge from the
> > most affected areas but living in Santiago. The idea is that they learn
> to
> > use Potlatch to add all that stuff that can not be added from the aerial
> > imagery, i.e.: Street names, hospitals, schools, police stations,
> > supermarkets, convenience stores, etc. to OpenStreetMap. I will keep you
> > informed on the progress of this.
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Julio Costa
> >
> >
> > On Sat, Feb 27, 2010 at 8:17 PM, Jean-Guilhem Cailton <j...@arkemie.com>
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> Do you have ideas of things to do / tasks ?
> >>
> >>
> >> I think satellite imagery should be available "soon" for tracing.
> >>
> >> Do you guys know the impacted area ?
> >>
> >> Maybe you could plan some kind of work plan for volunteers to help ?
> >>
> >> (e.g. with a wiki page, or a shared spreadsheet on Google Doc)
> >>
> >> How to split the work ? By area ?
> >>
> >> What would be priority themes ?
> >>
> >> Locate damages announced in the news ? (Damaged roads, collapsed
> bridges,
> >> maybe damaged buildings ? )
> >>
> >> How to coordinate ? talk-cl (OSM specific), crisismappers-chile (more
> >> general, e.g. also including Ushahidi), osm-talk (to get general OSM
> >> attention) ?
> >>
> >> Is there an IRC channel ?
> >>
> >> (The most relevant I am aware of might be #crisiscommons on
> irc.rhok.org
> >>
> >> Of course, there is also #osm on oftc.net, for OSM stuff)
> >>
> >> Best
> >>
> >> (puedo hablar espanol o traducir si es mejor /
> >> I can help translating to / from Spanish)
> >>
> >> Jean-Guilhem
> >> Toulouse, France
> >> OpenStreetMap volunteer
> >> (Experience with Haiti mapping - especially regarding health facilities,
> >> PAHO (Pan American Health Organization) Master List, etc.
> >> professionally works with satellite images - research and software
> >> development for image analysis, segmentation...)
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Talk-cl mailing list
> > talk...@openstreetmap.org
> > http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cl
> >
> >
> --
> Leo Soto M.
> http://blog.leosoto.com
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