(Forwarding to talk, since nobody seems to be answering on either HOT or talk-ht).


-------- Message original --------
Sujet :         [HOT] [Fwd: Re: Geospatial Support for Chile]
Date :  Thu, 04 Mar 2010 07:58:07 +0100
De :    Jean-Guilhem Cailton <j...@arkemie.com>
Pour :  h...@openstreetmap.org

-------- Message original --------
Sujet :         Re: Geospatial Support for Chile
Date :  Wed, 3 Mar 2010 18:26:49 -0300
De :    Julio Costa Zambelli <julio.co...@openstreetmap.cl>
Pour :  Bruce Willett <bdwil...@ravel.n2.net>
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Références : <cec5a5fc4f795d40871b9a7cdea9ff5ea0e...@ofdaemail2.ofda.gov> <20100303093631.i43...@ravel.n2.net>


About ChileAyuda, I went there yesterday and convinced them to put OpenStreetMap back as the default layer of their Ushahidi implementation (they had changed it for Google Maps). They agree to change it on the condition that I give them some support with that and get a custom render (with more "attractive" colours that the one from the OSMF). I am looking now for help on getting that custom render (like a CloudMade Custom Style render) done but with a quick update cycle like the OSMF Mapnik one. Otherwise we will not see the results of the fast mapping efforts that we are going to do in the following days an weeks. If someone has any idea to solve this I will really appreciate it.

They have space, resources, good contacts, etc. I am not going to lie to you, they do not look like "Geo-geniuses" but they are doing their best effort to help. Customizing Ushahidi, creating new layers for different topics, etc. and have lots of volunteers doing other stuff for the www.chileayuda.com <http://www.chileayuda.com> website. Also there is people involved with their project that can give good exposure to any related event, for example: the idea of training the earthquake affected area natives living in Santiago on how to use Potlatch to include things that they know in OpenStreetMap.


Julio Costa
OpenStreetMap Chile

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