Hi list,

Last year, we (= some french osmers) imported some data around Brest
city (see for instance http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/BMO).
Unfortunately, the source shapefiles were badly converted to WGS84,
and this resulted in a shift of several meters for all data. Thus, we
need to delete previously imported data (identified by the source tag)
and reimport.

I could not find an easy way to batch delete data from the OSM db ...
I guess there are reasons to make it easier to import data than to delete it ;-)

Osmosis seems to be able to "produce change sets using database
history tables". Is this the way to go ?
Yet, osmosis's script/pgsql_simple.txt file says "The pgsql simple
schema is a PostgreSQL schema utilising postgis extensions that is
capable of storing a snapshot of OSM data. No history is maintained."
I could not find any other SQL file which would let us create a
database with history tables.

Thanks for helping !

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