On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 4:05 PM, Claudius <claudiu...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Besides I think there's a lot of fuzz about this move: If you check the
> editor tags in the latest changelog you can see that roughly 50% are
> using JOSM 2055. That's a 7 month old version and was issued stable back
> then. Even without the updated relation support many users seem to be
> able to get along very well. I think that 3155 will be useful at least
> the same amount of time. And if you miss something in winter 2010 you
> can switch to merkaartor or Mapzen 2.0 or OSM2Go or iLoe or OpenMaps or ....
Well, I have been updating my JOSM regularly (at least as often as I
can), running the newer of my josm-latest.jar and josm-custom.jar
(SVN), but also keep an josm-stable.jar as up to date as possible in
case something is broken in latest and SVN. Merkaartor is not an
option for me as it have been too unstable, needed to be installed on
computers where I don't have that type of access, etc. Besides I
didn't like the interface of Merkaartor (maybe it have been improved,
but I am not tempted to test). Mapzen is very much the same as
Potlatch for me, a slow webbased applet, that works on only some of
the computers I have available (meaning it can go weeks between each
time I can use it). Web based editing is not really an option for me
as much of my work are done offline with bulk uploads.

There are probably a million options for doing edits in OSM, for me I
need something that is powerfull without draining my laptop, stable,
easy to keep up-to-date, have a good base of plugins, etc. JOSM wasn't
quite that two years ago when I started contributing, but not many
other options was available back then, and none that I was fully
satisfied with. Now I have JOSM (which soon might disapear for me), I
am very satisfied with all the features in it, it is very up to date
on many issues, flexible in the way presets and map-paint work, etc.
At the same time, I do not have time or resources to search around and
test alternatives, meaning that when "last JOSM j5" no longer is
working for me, than maybe I have to stop contributing for a long

As I am actively working on importing PD data of Brazil, than it is
important for me to have an editor that I can check the integrity of
the imported data, correct mistakes from the converter scripts, and
much more. JOSM have been a good tool for me there.

Before anybody tries to suggest other good alternative software for
me, programs that only run under Windows, requires various .NET
libraries, or with menues in German are not options for me.


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