Thank you all for your help -  "Download Object" was the fundamental thing I
had missed.

I had kind of hoped that you would just point me to the nice new user
instruction page on the Wiki that I had not spotted.

I'll have a look at improving it, but it is not an insignificant job.   How
about if we divide the basic documentation into chunks (like a mapping
party, but not as good for you), and different people volunteer to update a
different aspect to bring it up to date in terms of software, and "custom
and practice"?   I am happy to co-ordinate, but will struggle to do it all.

I think this would be a big help in encouraging wider participation in the

Could even be a "Project of the Week"?



On 27 March 2010 23:57, Sebastian Klein <basti...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> Graham Jones wrote:
> > Is there a command line way of adding ways to a relation - for
> > example, rather than doing it by clicking on things, I would quite
> > like to do "add ways to relation XXXX where route="Pennine Way" or
> > name="Pennine Way".
> If you have the problem that you cannot download the entire area because
> the route is too long, the XAPI can save your day.
> You will need two XAPI requests, one for route=... and one for name=...
> Then you can merge the layers in JOSM.
> (Btw. there is an easy way to get the bbox parameters for XAPI requests:
> Select the area in the slippy map of the download dialog. Then go to the
> second tab and simply copy the list of coordinates...)
> > Any pointers would be appreciated.  Sorry for being dumb - I must
> > have missed the documentation somewhere?
> Why not write some, when you have mastered the high art of
> relations? :)
> __
> Sebastian
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Dr. Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK
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