> There seems to be a pattern there. I recently met someone who was active 
> with greenmap.org which seems to be hardly more than a project 
> collecting POIs based on Google maps ("OpenGreenMap"). They seem to 
> regularly attract government funding for project meetings or printed 
> maps of local areas. I saw one such map - it was a Google aerial image 
> with a few POIs marked on top.

Just to defend Green Maps, the project is a whole lot more than OpenGreenMap.
They've been operating since 1995, originally all paper (and still 
predominantly so),
and very much invested in community processes. For me at least, they were quite
influential in my getting involved in web mapping, prior to OSM being invented.


I agree that nowadays they'd be wise to adopting the OpenStreetMap 
But do give them props, very cool, early folks in collaborative mapping.

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