CycleStreets own comments on the amount spent:

On 12 April 2010 08:05, John Smith <> wrote:

> "On his personal website Mr Taylor explains how a free online cycle
> route planner has been available in Cambridge since the Cambridge
> Cycling Campaign Journey Planner was launched in 2006. This system
> then mutated into CycleStreets, a nationwide project, which provides
> users with suggestions for cycle friendly routes and allows them to
> choose for either an "unhurried" or "quick" ride. The cost of this
> scheme, in terms of central government funding, was a few thousand
> pounds (around £5,000 to £6,000)."
> "In 2009, the Department of Transport launched a service via its
> website, enabling people to find cycle friendly
> routes in eighteen specific areas of the UK. The government website
> only covers a small handful of selected locations, while CycleStreets
> covers the whole of the UK, subject to restrictions set by the quality
> of Open Street Map data for a given area. CycleStreets provides
> additional function not available through the official option,
> including integration with a national photomap which allows people to
> see photos taken along the route. The site also integrates with Google
> Earth."
> "The cost of work on the government site to date, according to a
> freedom of information request submitted via the whatdotheyknow
> website is £2,383,739, with plans currently under way to spend a
> further £400,000 on adapting what has been produced to provide a route
> planner for a Cycling for Schools programme."
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