On Fri, April 16, 2010 11:30, John Smith wrote:
> On 16 April 2010 12:05, Andrew Errington <a.erring...@lancaster.ac.uk>
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have some .osm files containing the outlines of areas.  I want to
>> simplify the outline to make the files smaller and to make drawing
>> quicker (I have many of these shapes to use in an OpenLayers vector
>> layer), but I want to keep the same general shape.  Is there a tool to
>> do this?  One option I suppose is to convert osm to GPX and then use
>> GPSbabel or
>> something to smooth the paths then convert back to osm, but this seems
>> cumbersome...
> open the file in JOSM and then use the simplify function.

Is it scriptable?  I want to do this for a large number of files.



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