> [i sent this to talk-us earlier, and a member of that list suggested it
> was worth broadcasting to a larger audience]
> as i work my way west along the PA/NY border fixing connectivity
> problems, i'm suitably impressed by the patches west of
> Waverly/NY 17 where the ways are missing, only the nodes have
> been left behind.
> please, bots are powerful tools. don't run bots that do things
> like remove dups unless you have a quality control plan.
> please.
> thanks,
>     richard

I have been caught out by this. There are a number of broken planet
extracts that have all ways crossing the edge of the area chopped off at
the boundary without warning editing applications. If you are editing
systematically it is very easy to change some of these ways, which uploads
them truncated. This is unfortunate as keeping a database as big as ours
from being changed accidentally is somthing you do not really want to


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