On Thu, May 06, 2010 at 11:15:02PM +0200, Milo van der Linden wrote:
> Let them.

I am a Russian and Russian resident myself and I would agree
with this. Please do not get in too serious untill some
real actions are seen. Till that it is just the discussion
and flame on wiki and Russian forum unless you dare for some
small wiki and forum database space used by such

IMO we have quite clear policy on how to behave with OSM
database. If one do not want to map military things that's
ok, he won't do it and we just will have blank space that
will be filled by other Russian who want to map it. 

If somebody wants to map military object like industrial,
forest or whatever, well, let him map it this way it will be
just a mapping error and somebody will than change the tag
to milittary correcting this error (pretty the same as with
any other mapping errors that we may have).

If somebody decides to remove military objects from the
database or change their tagging than it is clear vandalism,
since the person has intention to remove true infromation
out of the map and we should threat and behave here like
with any other vandalism on the map. 

Just make no special meaning for military here. There is no
single opinion on this over the Russian community and all
this dicsussion does not have any legal background at all.
They cannot map state secrets, because I believe neither of
them had or have any access to such secrets at all. 

Far broad problem is that mapping in Russia requires a license,
but there are other public mapping project here held by
legal companies that are Russian residents. A question of
having a good laweyer. But this is completly another topic.

Anton Martchukov                     http://www.martchukov.com
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