
Nakor wrote:
> This is due to the way the data imports coming 
> from TIGER use nodes at the same position for a lot of different things. 
> I have effectively being fixing some of those blind merges, as part of 
> other edits, and I do not see why I should be called a villain for this 
> where I actually FIXED data.

Unless a river changes direction (or properties) exactly where the 
bridge crosses over it, the river does not need - and indeed should not 
have - a node just under the bridge, and unless the bridge is 
curved/angled, it will not need a node just over the river also. The 
same is true for power lines.

I know that the TIGER import was funny in this regard, and it is 
definitely wrong to join such two nodes, and also wrong for the 
validator to highlight them as a problem.

But if you see such constructs, or even create them by untangling two 
nodes someone else has erroneously merged, please rectify the situation 
in a way that does not leave two nodes at the exact same spot. This will 
only cause the whole thing to repeat itself - plus it is more difficult 
to edit (how do you grab the "lower" of the two nodes to move it?).


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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