On Mon, 17 May 2010 13:02:53 +0100, Gregory <nomoregra...@googlemail.com>
> Now a lot of places are full of pro-mappers, we are doing house numbers,
> shops, football pitch lines... Do we need an extra zoom level?
> For example I'm learning to add buildings/shops and
> seeĀ http://osm.org/go/euuOoC_pJ-- [1] You can only see about a third of
> the shop/business names because of avoiding overlapping text.
> businesses might start deleting shop names around them to ensure their
> shop is displayed, or thinking up other 'tagging/mapping for the
> renderer'. 
> The increased load(viewing tiles and creating tiles) is a point, how
> much of a point?

Adding a zoomlevel adds 4 tiles for each tile in the previous zoomlevel.
You'll go from 91 billion tiles to 366 billion.
This meaning you need 4 times the load to generate, 4 times the storage to
hold them, 4 times the traffic to display them.


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