On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 07:38, Mikel Maron <mikel_ma...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I think the most effective way to push forward what osm.org could be
> is by demonstrating ideas with code. Isn't the code base now on github?
> Start forking, trying out ideas ... things that work are going to be more
> convincing than our descriptions of what to do. Code that works
> (in all senses) should make it out to production.

Yeah I'm aware of the GitHub mirror, I put it there. Some things lend
themselves well to experimental patches. I don't think this is one of
those things, for reasons that are about to become apparent.

Here's a mockup:


The contents of the white area would be determined by the
aforementioned user editable & reviewed page. The brief about blurb
that's now right below the logo should probably be the first thing
merged into it.

Actually, here's what the main content area might look like (this site
is based on a mockup Richard did IIRC):


Or perhaps even:


The idea is simple. Make the main page something that provides the
user with some context, useful (e.g. Garmin) downloads, direct him to
other interesting projects (e.g. printouts, routers etc.).

What exactly makes the above list we can decide together, that is if
we decide that the main page for osm.org shouldn't be one giant map

I'm not going to spend more time implementing the required code
without there being some interest in deploying it. Spending many hours
hacking the JS/CSS, setting up a wiki -> Git sync (along with a
preview) just to be told "thanks, but no thanks" isn't my idea of fun.

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