In Feb. 08, a German User initiated two proposals about wayside 
religious man made objects . The discussion is moving at slow pace and 
no voting is previsible.

 From Tagwatch, it can be seen that more than 6,000 "wayside shrines" 
were introduced into  the map of Germany (most of them are 
"bildstocks"). In France, more than 2,000 wayside crosses were mapped.
Thousands of crosses are repertoried in the other European countries.
We have an unofficial tag that becomes popular.
Are there people interested for moving the process to an end?
An user proposed that ordinary or recent crosses (nude or a simple 
crucifix) could tagged as man made=cross as not every cross has gained a 
historic value, neither is staying wayside.
It could be valuable also to have a specific  rendering for crosses and 
shrines  that have been tagged as tourism=artwork.
I don't know whether a rendering has been designed for the shrines (they 
can be a little box on a pole or a little construction) . Seems have not.
Another valuable point : the crosses are seen only in catholic regions 
across Europa, but not the shrines.  I suppose that some little 
religious buildings must be visible in orthodox faith  regions. There 
are also, in North Africa and in Turkey, some roadside tombs for men of 
high religious reputation to whose many people are used to pay marks of 
respect. If Thibet could be mapped, one should consider the "stupas". 
Not mentioning other areas (India, Andes, etc.).
A wiki page encompassing all that sorts of religious objects would be 
But, first of all, let's pushing forward the admission of the tags for 
crosses and shrines.


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