Le 24/05/2010 11:20, Frederik Ramm a écrit :
> Hi,
> Vincent Pottier wrote:
>> I have started to implement it as a test :
>> http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/relation/11980 (relation France)
>> http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/relation/934933 (relation 
>> definition)
> I like the way in which you have created a circular reference by 
> making 934933 a "parent" and "child" of 11980 at the same time. It is 
> perfectly valid (twinned cities where each is the other's member would 
> be a similar situation) but many tool/editor writers handle this 
> poorly. Your relation will be a nice encouragement for them to fix 
> their code.
> Bye
> Frederik
I know it is a risk of infinite loop for bad tools but
- the first version of the relation "definition" had no member, that is 
not very convienient
- for tools keeping a list of definition, it is a way to remember to 
witch area they apply
- maybe it is a way to build a "standard" def that several areas could 
subscribe (for example holidays period zones of French educational 
Academies that would apply to several departments)

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