I fear that it would just be gamed and bad data would be entered instead.


On 10 Jun 2010, at 21:34, Ian Dees wrote:

> I posted this idea as an off-topic message in a thread about the post office 
> in talk-us, but I thought it might get more interest over here on t...@...
> What if we came up with a way to make POI collection a competition or game? 
> Think foursquare/gowalla's "checkins" mixed in with something like 
> http://www.poi-factory.com/. It could be generic enough to encompass any sort 
> of POI information (from park benches to trees to mailboxes). Each "set" of 
> data could have some sort of "expected information": collection times and 
> color might be two things expected for every mailbox, species and approx_age 
> might be expected things for every tree.
> A user could join a particular "competition" (i.e. the "tree competition" or 
> "mailbox competition") and attempt to gather as much data as possible to get 
> points and fame (badges and maybe cool schwag ("I collected 10,000 park 
> benches and all I got was this lousy t-shirt") from OSM). If data is 
> incorrect, the user could move it or mark it as bad (removing fractional 
> points from the original poster for putting in bad data?).
> A user could create a competition if they don't see one they want.
> Maybe the competitions are based on a locale and/or time? "The person with 
> the most bus stops collected in Chicago over the next 10 days wins a prize." 
> or something.
> Any thoughts? Critiques?
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