On 16 June 2010 08:15, Bernhard R. Fischer <b...@abenteuerland.at> wrote:

> Several months ago I added some farms (place=farm) in my region. I also added
> names (name=... + place_name=...) as well as addresses using the "addr:*="
> scheme. I also added roads with names.
> Nevertheless, if I try to find them by using the search bar of the OSM online
> viewer they do not show up.
> What am I doing wrong?

The Nominatim search index is dated back at the start of March[1] so
it's nothing you've done wrong, just that the search index is running
behind a little. Not sure what the status is there, but perhaps
someone else has some more information about when it's expected to be
updated next.

[1] http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/


Dan Karran

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