You should have sent this to the tagging list...

On 28 June 2010 21:08, Stan Berka <> wrote:
> I have frequently a tagging dilemma. See this example: Coburn Rd on this
> location: (N of US 2). It was tagged as
> residential, but I've been there two days ago and it's a decent "compacted
> gravel" road, almost 2-car wide primarily for agricultural use, although it
> does connect farms, and probably can be even be used as through-road (to get
> from one highway to another). Category residential seemed to me to be
> primarily for urban setting. So, the best I thought for this one would be
> "track". But this is rendered almost like a path (the dashed line). What are
> your thoughts?

In australia we tag these as highway=unclassified

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