On Wed, July 7, 2010 11:40, Robin Paulson wrote:
> well, here's an odd thing:
> can someone else try this, and see what happens


Could be a language/region setting in your browser.  I am in Korea and
Internet Explorer returns "Hawaii" in Hangul (Korean language), but
Firefox returns "Hawaii".  I think I changed my Firefox settings to
accept/prefer English language, but I didn't make any such changes to IE
(because I never use it).

Here are my results:

Firefox 3.5.10:

Results from OpenStreetMap Nominatim
Town Pahia, New Zealand
Residential Paehia, Honolulu County, Hawaii, United States of America
More results

Results from GeoNames
Pahia Point, New Zealand
Pahia Hill, New Zealand
Pahia, New Zealand
Pahia, New Zealand
Mont Pahia, French Polynesia

IE 6.0.2900

Results from OpenStreetMap Nominatim
Town Pahia, Aotearoa
Residential Paehia, Honolulu County, &#54616;&#50752;&#51060;, United
States of America
More results

Results from GeoNames
Pahia Point, New Zealand
Pahia Hill, New Zealand
Pahia, New Zealand
Pahia, New Zealand
Mont Pahia, French Polynesia



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