On Jul 18, 2010, at 9:49 PM, Anthony wrote:

> On Sun, Jul 18, 2010 at 2:11 PM, SteveC <st...@asklater.com> wrote:
> The companies I talk to today come down in to two camps on PD. The first 
> basically lick their lips and want us to go PD so they don't have to 
> contribute anything (in effect make their business easier) and the second 
> think it would be nuts because then the project wouldn't have long term 
> growth potential and would probably die and fragment like BSD did etc etc etc.
> I'd count the second group as the brighter ones.
> That's interesting, because last time you commented on it, you said "it would 
> be much better to move OSM to PD or CC0 for CloudMade and all the other 
> companies".  Glad to see you're being more honest about it.


Of course it would be better - then CM and everyone else could do what they 
like without having to deal with emails like this one. There's nothing new or 
complicated here - it's very simple. The best thing for CloudMade would be to 
have complete and free access to the data. The best thing for OSM and the 
community as a whole, including commercial vendors like CM, is to have 
share-alike provisions which keep everyone contributing and honest.

Just basic game theory.



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