
in a couple of weeks Creative Commons here is organising what they
call Culture 2.0 Camp and some of the organisers are very interested
in the digitalisation and archiving of the cultural heritage of the
village where the camp is hosted.  (An almost completely unmapped
place by the way).  They already had the workshops planned but now got
the idea to employ OSM too.  If you have any ideas on fun things that
can be done with OSM during a digitalisation workshop, beside basic
mapping party, please let me know!

I don't know all the details but there should be about 20 - 25 people
attending the digitalisation paert.  There's some budget for renting
bikes and buying some quality GPS receivers.  Device model suggestions
also appreciated (maybe ones that enable audio mapping, or maybe just
plain receivers), though the wiki already has good documentation.

There's a castle in the village, it's in Poland and there's a
German-speaking minority in the village.

Many thanks,

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