Richard Weait schrieb:
Data that is now CC-By-SA will always be CC-By-SA. Currently published planets,
> for example are CC-By-SA and will stay that way.  No data loss.
> The data is still there. Still CC-By-SA.

Yes indeed. Including ...

We'll each choose to allow our data to be promoted to OSM with the
license upgrade, or we will not.

... the new planet which is called to be under ODBL.

But it isn'nt, because the contributors who said "yes" for change
don't give their "home copy" of their data a second time like in

"7.b ... Licensor reserves the right to release THE WORK under different
license terms"

"the work" = "their original work" and not a copy of it.

But the new "so called ODBL-OSM" is only an "vote-yes"-extract
of the old CC-OSM so ...

"1.b 'Derivative Work' means a work based upon the Work ... such as a
... condensation ..."

... is suitable, so ...

"4.b You may distribute ... a Derivative Work only under the terms of
this License, a later version of this License with the same License Elements
as this License, or a Creative Commons iCommons license that contains the same
License Elements as this License (e.g. Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Japan)."

... also a "so called ODBL-OSM" ist still under CC and only under CC.

A real ODBL-OSM can only be build with "home copies" of the data
of the contributors who said yes. They cannot copy their own edits
from CC-OSM, because this also will be a condensation of CC-OSM ...


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