On 30 July 2010 21:15, Mike N. <nice...@att.net> wrote:
>  Every Smartphone OSM data consumer I've looked at has been unusable because
> of tagging interpretation.   Compared to OSM, data consumers seem to be very
> inflexible and unaware of any but the most rigid tag schemes that haven't
> changed in the past year.   In other words, about 30% of mapping labor goes
> to waste because it's impossible for consumers to keep up.

I thought most smart phone apps would mostly view map tiles, either
OSM or Cloudmade?

Although that seems to indicate it's a good idea to categorise things
a little better, so that the apps or what ever don't need to know or
care about everything in the category, as is the case with the
amenity=* tags.

For example, a generic dollar sign icon could be used for unknown
shop=* tags, and maybe a desk or something similar for office=* and so

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