2010/7/31 Ulf Lamping <ulf.lamp...@googlemail.com>:
> Am 31.07.2010 11:19, schrieb Peteris Krisjanis:
>> If that can be solved introducing meaningful new name spaces like
>> emergency, which could give easy way to filter emergency items, why
>> not? What is cost of this?
>> 1) Changing it in wiki - one day tops
>> 2) Changing it in db - mass convertation, doable in one shot
>> 3) Add presets to JOSM - also one day tops
> 4) Change it in every map renderer / router / other software that is out
> there - hundreds (or already even thousands?) of applications

Really hunderds and thousands? I think it is more in tens ballpark, 20
at the best. And most of them developed actively by OSM community
which follows news from it.

> Teaching each and every mapper out there that the tag has changed and they
> should no longer use the old one (not every mapper uses presets).

And they never never never read wiki, or follow OSM news?

> Confused mappers that feels unsafe how to map something, as the tags
> "changes all the time" - a feeling, not necessarily a fact.

In fact, mappers are *already* confused, because there is no one that
strongly says - we do so - and everyone follows. It is strange that
lot of old OSMers really don't dig what feelings community have
against current tagging scheme.

> If you think about the costs and benefits of something, you should know
> *all* costs first.

I know all costs, and biggest cost for tag incosistency is end of the
project, because it drives new contrubitons away and make older
contributors sooner or later throw the towel.

Sometimes biggest cost comes from doing nothing, trying to believe
that everything must stay the same.


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