
John Smith wrote:
On 31 July 2010 22:05, Frederik Ramm <> wrote:
That is indeed selfish, because you're saying that your time is more
valuable than theirs.

And you are saying their time is more valuable than the person
contributing the data

No. Equally valuable. But they are more. Only one person makes the edits, but more than one person look at the edits.

this is going no where fast, people have their
opinions and they are polar opposite and berating and belittling
people doesn't seem to be shifting any opinions.

All wanted was to say: Please folks, add meaningful changeset comments. I think it is plain obvious that they are very useful, not only to me personally. Of about 20 people participating in this thread, only three seem to be of the opinion that changeset comments are a waste of time. Yes, people have their opinions and yes, some might be of that opinion, but luckily it is a small minority.

So is blaming others for not commenting exactly how you think they

I think there is a wide range of useful changeset comments; you're misrepresenting my statement if you say I was complaining about people not commenting "excactly how I think they should". I'm just asking for meaningful changeset comments.

when up until a few hours ago the changeset comment was
specifcally listed as optional, of course you fiddled that wiki to fit
your opinion

No. Liz, helpfully, pointed out that the Wiki did not reflect what the community expects, as has been proven by this thread. I merely amended the Wiki to reflect that. If you carefully read the version history you will see that even before I made the change, the Wiki definitely said that the comment was used in many places; it just wasn't quite so obvious that people actually use it a lot.

and when others do something similar it you attack them
for not following the status quo.

I'm not even starting to discuss Key:UUID here.


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