> The question I'm asking (which you chopped out of the quote) is
> whether or not the tracing is copyrightable.

Automatic tracing is not copyrightable by the tracer, according to the
test. What was copyrightable is the aerial image, and automatic
tracing is just a way of making a specific copy of that (just like you
use B&W copymachine to copy colored image, different result, but still
just a copy). Generally you must have permission to copy from the
holder of the original. If different people use same tracing
soft+config+source, they'll get exactly the same result. Manual
tracing is different: it will become combined art, as you partly just
create copy and partly create art yourself. I guess that to
publish/sell combined art you have to have agreement (and revenue
sharing) with the original also.

In common sense it seems quite clear, simple and logical to me. Why
different countries have different copyright principles, and it
depends on type of creation (software, maps, photos, art etc) is
another question. Especially in some countries I'm afraid it just
reflects which interest group happened to have more power and
therefore better attorneys/lobbyists. Unfortunately they still have,
so their truth is stronger than my philosophical points of view.

 OSM is just a huge collective artistic work. Probably the largest one
in the world, in terms of number of artists. Who owns it? It is matter
of agreement between artists, and as far as I know then general
consensus/agreement seems to be that it is OSMF and the license for
the work will be ODbL (unless someone proves that the votes you all
know have been flawed). Of course, artists tend to be crazy people
(luckily usually in good sense) and with collective work you'll always
find some of them who think that their 0.001% part of the work is so
important that they'll always find reason to try to tear whole picture
to the pieces. But it would be ashame if they'll succeed.


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