El día Tuesday 10 August 2010 18:19:30, SteveC dijo:
> So we are at a point now in OSM, I believe, where a few poisonous people
> are wrecking the time, focus and goodwill of the majority of contributors,

I, for one, agree. These flame wars only waste our time. "Our" as in "all of 
us". It leads nowhere.

> What are your ideas? How should we block people? For how long? What process
> should it be? What are the best practices from other projects you're
> involved in?

This is just my personal opinion, but I don't think blocking is the solution. 
OSM has always been, and will be, a do-ocracy, so let's let facts and lines 
of code speak louder than words or blocks.

Let the OSMF and LWG move forward. If you don't like how the OSMF and LWG 
works, suck it up and step up for OSMF board elections next year.

Iván Sánchez Ortega <i...@sanchezortega.es>

Un ordenador no es una televisión ni un microondas: es una herramienta 

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