Am 10.08.2010 19:52, schrieb John Smith:
On 11 August 2010 03:50, Peter Körner<>  wrote:
To keep the door open for the futuer. Nobody knows what will come. Are your
problems that you don't trust the LWG? Then go on and do a fork -- it's that

It has nothing to do with trust, it has to do with the fact that it
limits my ability to use sources of data compatible with ODBL...

Yes, I can see that point. I never used external sources so I haven't thought about that. Would it help you to limit this clause even more? Sth. like "only if this license will prove to be buggy" or sth. like that? I can see a (very small number of) possible reasons why a change may be absolutely necessary - would you agree on that?


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