I thought of that, but I'm dealing with over a million coastline objects.   Seemed quicker and less prone to screw ups if I just deleted the object and add natural=coastline to the canvec body of water.  (There's a lot of coastal islands and stuff I'm contending with too...)


On 10/08/10 02:29 PM, Sam Vekemans wrote:
what im doing is keeping the coastline in tact, and adding in more
detail as i go along, and merging the nodes with the land/water
features edge as i go along.

you might want to message the talk-us list as you go along.


On 8/10/10, G. Michael Carter <mi...@carterfamily.ca> wrote:
I'm currently working on importing CanVec data around Lake Superior...
the coast line was really getting in the way, so I'm deleting it.  I'm
actually joining them to the CanVec water corners... but it's probably
creating a coastal hole, not really sure if the join is actually working.

My plan is to finish loading all the coastal areas with the canvec
data.  Then joining the big body of water with a single relation, on the
Canadian side.   That will become the new coastal waters object, when
finished.  On the USA side I'll just join the existing coastal waters
object across the USA/Canada boarder.

I should have the entire lake finished by the end of the week... I
hope.   I just wanted to post this in case it sent up red flags somewhere.

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G. Michael Carter
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