Despite the discussion resulting from my post yesterday, there continue to be 
individuals on the talk@ mailing list disrupting the community.

I would personally like to reach out to John Smith as one of the people who 
seems to have cooled off, and thank you.

I have posted Andy's draft etiquette to the wiki

Specifically, I point to the basics of mailing list etiquette:

Mailing Lists
        • Assume good faith
        • Stay on topic
        • No conspiracy theories
        • No grandstanding
        • If you've made your point already, you don't need to tell us all again
        • Nitpicking doesn't help you or anyone else
        • Learn to live with the reply-to setting. We're not changing it, no 
matter what your opinion is and so on.

Having had deep discussions with many key people in OSM, asked for their advice 
and direction, I reluctantly appoint myself Benevolent Dictator For Life.

As BDFL, I hereby give warning that in 24 hours time I will begin enforcing 
these etiquette guidelines. Specifically, anyone who continuously and 
deliberately breaks the guidelines, despite warnings, will be moderated off the 
list for a 24 hour 'cooling off' period. If after this cooling off period, 
further continuous and deliberate breaches occur, despite warnings, additional 
cooling off periods will be enacted growing exponentially with each time. For 
example, 24 hours cooling off, then further breaches, then 48 hours cooling 
off, then further breaches, then 96 hours and so on.

This is not about squashing dissent. If you disagree with others license 
opinions, legal-talk is there for you. If you want to join a Working Group, you 
still can. If you want to create a PD OSM project, you have all the source and 
mailing lists are freely available around the web.

This is purely about restoring the mutual respect and balance of the talk@ 
mailing list, and not allowing a few to disrupt the main channel of 
communication to the point where the vast majority no longer find discussion 

I plan only to moderate people (for 24 hours) after taking a poll of key people 
including Andy Allan, Matt Amos, Katie Filbert, Tom Hughes, Emilie Laffray, 
Frederik Ramm, Ivan Sanchez, Grant Slater and Richard Weait. If you think more 
than these would be good then let me know. Any moderation will be announced to 
those people I just mentioned, and not publicly. Why not publicly? On balance, 
it seems better to not call out individuals publicly which might only make 
things worse and make them feel more upset, which is not the purpose of a 
'cooling off' period. Any one of those people I announce it to could announce 
it publicly if they want to.

I am happy to listen to a different panel, if one constitutes itself. If I have 
full confidence in said panel, I'll consider handing over the power and 
stepping back.

As BDFL I still have limits upon my power. You can vote me out of the OSMF. You 
can convince the server team to change the mailman password so I can no longer 
moderate. I am also imposing a self-limiting, four week (28 day) period 
starting from when this warning period ends (in 24 hours) whereby, if I don't 
exercise my BDFL powers during that time, I will step back.
So, please, have a think about what and where you are posting, and lets make 
talk@ a nice place to be again.

talk mailing list

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