On 12 August 2010 11:18, Peteris Krisjanis <pec...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What can I do I agree to relicense my stuff under ODbL, but I can't
> agree with CT Section 3? I hoped LWG will think about removing it, but
> it seems that relicensing is already started without investigating
> complain about section 3.

I assume you're worried about the the potential license
incompatibility caused _if_ the OSMF (along with a 2/3 majority of
contributors) decided to change the license to a non-SA license when
your data (perhaps from imports) has an SA requirement? If so then I
guess that it simply means that since there is an incompatibility then
the non-SA license cannot be used (i.e. it _can't/won't_ be voted in)
or the incompatible data will be removed.

No-one is going to violate any licenses (if that's what the supplies
of the imported data are worried about) since legally we _can't_. That
clause is simply there so that we have flexibility in the future to
re-license without so much of a hoo-ha as this time :)

Matt Williams

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