Alan Mintz wrote:
At 2010-08-13 14:09, Frederik Ramm wrote:
Liz wrote:
If a poster wishes to spread a message more widely to the community, they should be quite free to do so.

That's the thinking that killed any worthwhile Usenet groups once the internet became available to everyone, sadly destroying a (mostly-) well-behaved system. If I wanted to hear and participate in endless discussion about licensing issues, I would subscribe to legal.

Like others I made up my mind about the license change a long time ago, when it was first discussed. I was subscribed to legal for a long time as well.

I guess the people posting about this think they are making "killer arguments" and everyone on the list is waiting with baited breath, but I delete them because I think they are endless arguments between a small group of people who will never be convinced of other people's viewpoints anyway.

I support SteveC in enforcing the categorizing of the mailing lists.


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