Chris Browet <> wrote:

> I, as a OSM contributor, am looking to allow free and unrestricted access to
> map data to everybody.
> Those clauses would mean that, potentially, I wouldn't be mapping for
> humanity but for the OSMF.

You don't really map for "humanity" now, but for yourself. The actual
licence grant YOU rights on the data you put in OSM database, the change
is to "give" those rights the the OSMF that would represent the OSM
With the CCBYSA licence each contributor has rights on what i put in the
database, so the copyright notice grants "contributors", with the new
licence the OSMF would be granted as the "community". SO OSMF could do
legal things if a compagny break the future licence (with the actual
licence, no one can legal attack a compagny that wouldn't respect
licence, because the CCBYSA do not protect data and because there is no
"central organisation")...

> I've seen often that the reply to this argument is that we must trust OSMF,
> that it will make sure OSM is under good care.
> Honestly, in this world, who would trust a foundation whose members he
> doesn't know personally? Even if he would, what about future members?

No one can know, but there is limitations in the Licence and CT. OSMF
can change licence to a free and open one not a closed one it can't be
> The fact that many key players (SteveC, Frederik, Richard(?)) in the project
> also have commercial interests in the OSM data also make me nervous and
> doubtful.

Its understandable.
Pierre-Alain Dorange

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