On 22/08/2010 21:42, Steve Chilton wrote:
My new week old Garmin etrex Vista HCx is causing me grief.
The power on/off button has decided to not function at all.
Am thinking I will have to go to Garmin to resolve it (it was purchased from 
Possibly, but I think that it should be the retailer's problem in the first instance (sale of goods act and all that)?
Anyone had this issue with theirs?

No, but the pointer stick on my first one failed after about 11 months fairly intensive use.

Anyone with good (or bad) experiences of going to Garmin Europe with issues 
such as this?
Anyone with any advice to cheer me up basically?!!
It went back to to the shop I bought it from*, they leant me a spare, sent mine to Garmin got another back within 2-3 weeks, and I've been using that since. Let's just say that they seemed "familiar with the Garmin returns process", but there were no quibbles from either them or Garmin. It just cost me the petrol.


* Hitch'n'Hike in Bamford. I'm not on commission, but it's worth mentioning good service as well as bad...

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