> > The last page title sums up the current approach of OSMF to the licence -
> > "We are changing the licence"
> >
> It was an OSMF Members vote.... I'll quote the first line:
> "In December 2009, OpenStreetMap Foundation members were asked whether
> they agreed or disagreed with a proposal to change the OpenStreetMap
> geodata license. "

Well I personally am remaining neutral until I have enough of the facts and
would like to act with the best goals of the OSM project in mind, but this
(above) fact alone sucks and feels pretty exclusionary.  I didn't realise I
had to join OSMF to have a say in whether large tracts of the data would
remain in the project (amongst other impacts), I consider it a pretty large
decision.  I realise operating a vote on a larger scale is a big job but
perhaps it would have been worth attempting it at least, with notification
via email etc.

My main concern at this stage is whether all the various (sometimes large)
sets of data contributed by various (often governmental) organisations can
be imported (or must be removed if previously imported).

For example I am involved with the LINZ New Zealand data import - whose main
requirement is really just attribution of the Land Information New
Zealand/Crown Copyright source.  There are also quite a few organisations
that release their data on a CC-by-SA license.

I sometimes wonder if OSM is one of the largest projects of its kind why the
CC people didn't take more interest (or whether sufficient effort was made
from the OSM side) in reforming or modifying the license, perhaps with a
connection to the CC-by-SA license (at least in name) that allows these
organisations to make the switch more easily.  Getting them to review the
ODbL is sometimes difficult when they have limited legal resources and
already have a CC-by-SA policy.  Perhaps I'm viewing this a little
simplistically, please enlighten me if I'm overlooking something obvious.
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