On 8 September 2010 12:03, Martin Simon <grenzde...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2010/9/8 Martin Simon <grenzde...@gmail.com>:
>> 2010/9/8 Valent Turkovic <valent.turko...@gmail.com>:
>>> Ah, so that is why. But in osmarender building are on top of areas,
>>> that seams more logical. Is there some special reason why building are
>>> below area layer?

I'm not sure, and iirc buildings rendered on top of the highways some
time ago and someone noted that it was a bug and it was changed to be
the way it is now.  Maybe that's not very logical, but I think it's
actually better for a general purpose map because the highways are the
first class citizens (Open*Street*Map) and someone reading the map
will most likely be looking for a way to get somewhere, rather than
for the building shape.

And while I'm on it I want to note that abbreviations are not used in
OSM and the "Sv." is a very good example because it's practically
impossible for a program to expand it automatically because it's a
plural form in this case.  I hope this message doesn't cause a new
flamewar to ensue :)


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