On 7 October 2010 01:57, Richard Weait <rich...@weait.com> wrote:
> I'm not entirely sure what axismaps.com does but it sure seems to
> involve a lot of pretty maps.  This caught my attention when pointed
> out to me by OSM contributor RichardF.
> <blockquote>These unique maps of Chicago and Boston accurately depict
> the streets and highways, parks, neighborhoods, coastlines, and
> physical features of the city using nothing but type. Only by manually
> weaving together thousands upon thousands of carefully placed words
> does the full picture of the city emerge. Prints are
> available.</blockquote>
> So, Boston and Chicago, but I'm told that San Francisco, New York and
> Washington are in progress, too.
> See more pretty maps and wonderful photography of maps on their web site.
> http://www.axismaps.com/typographic.php
> They have a blog entry describing the process of creating these maps, as well.
> http://www.axismaps.com/blog/2010/09/typographic-map-posters/

They're amazing, I specially like the water basins.

From when I was a teenager I remember a music video playing on MTV (I
think) that was made entirely as a "typographic" model of a city in
3D.  I recently tried to find the video or the title / artist but I
couldn't.  My poor imitation of it is what you can maybe call
tag-o-graphic map (http://www.openstreetmap.pl/img/city.jpg) used in
the header of openstreetmap.pl (not in IE).  It could be a fun idea
for a mapnik (or otherwise) map style.


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