
On Fri, Oct 08, 2010 at 02:50:22PM +0100, Dave F. wrote:
D> >    the fact the road is a winter one, is an important thing that should be
D> > marked on map.
D> >
D> >    http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/surface:winter_road
D> This type of tag is based on subjective opinions which is bad 
D> information to put in OSM.

No. It is not based on subjective opinion. "Winter road" is an official
status of a road in Russia. It is the way it is marked on other maps.
The road is officially closed, when it starts to melt. And it is officially
serviced during winter.

Please refer to wikipedia article. "Winter road" is not a subjective opinion.

D> For instance the second photo' is labeled as impassable.

Surely it is passable - you see two vehicles successfully passing it :)
This is just a photo I made, where we could get to. But the road continues,
crossing 5 meter deep swamps and rivers.

What is your version for tagging this road, concerning that it is official
way to a small town and is drivable at high speeds on regular vehicle in

Some parts of winter road may be passable in summer, some may not. Their
condition in summer is unknown and not guaranteed, their condition in winter
is guaranteed. This is special property of road that should be marked on map.

D> In fact, to me, it seems the first photo' is the more impassable as when 
D> snow is tamped it forms ice.

Slippery doesn't mean impassable.

Totus tuus, Glebius.

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