* John Goodman <j...@qlam.com> [2010-10-17 11:54 -0400]:
> I propose using a 5x5 icon at zoom levels 16 and 15, and a 3x3 icon
> at zoom level 14. Simulated examples of the proposed look is shown
> here:
> http://www.qlam.com/power_tower_proposal.png

I think that's definitely an improvement.  It feels more like zooming in
on the features, and it both deemphasises the towers at lower zoom levels
and better represents multiple towers in close proximity.  (I've mapped a
lot of places where multiple lines run in parallel with matching sets of
towers, but the display at lower zoom levels looks very ragged because of
the avoidance of overlapping symbols.)

...computer contrarian of the first order... / http://aperiodic.net/phil/
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