On Mon, 2010-10-18 at 22:55 +1100, Steve Bennett wrote:
> Hi all,
>   As usual I've left this to the last minute, but wondering if anyone
> knows of any downloadable Garmin maps, preferably bicycle ones, for
> northern India (Himachal Pradesh). I'm going to try the Cloudmade ones
> as a backup (they're not routable or bike specific), but are there any
> others?
> Secondly, what about contours? I'm going to try this site:
> http://blog.bokhorst.biz/1864/computers-en-internet/how-to-create-custom-garmin-contour-maps/
> but it's a worry when the author thinks that a 21 step process
> involving 6 downloads is "very easy".

post on talk-in - I know there is at least one guy working on that area,
possibly a few more

Kenneth Gonsalves

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