On 2010-10-13 3:50 PM, Sam Wilson wrote:

I work for a company in Western Australia that has a dozen or so vehicles traveling all over regional WA and all equipped with GPS trackers, taking waypoints at 30s intervals. I am going to be allowed to upload the data to OSM. I'm just wondering what issues I'm facing...

1. We use OSM maps for navigation, and so management are quite able to see the value that could arise from our giving this data to OSM, because it would make the maps better. But there is a bit of a gap between lots-of-GPS-traces and lots-of-well-tagged-roads! What can I do to bridge this gap? (I mean, trace over the GPS trace, I know, but that's going to leave a lot of 'highway=road' tags; is that okay?)

2. What form of permission do I need to get from management, and where does it get saved? Is there a pro forma letter somewhere? What licence do we release the data under?

3. Is a single daily trace suitable? I mean, all vehicles' traces put together in one file and uploaded (under, I guess, a separate account -- but still owned by me)? Or is there some automatic way of doing this?

But really: is this worthwhile? Will my company benefit? Will OSM benefit?

Thanks for any help,


Okay, I've uploaded the first few traces. I posted a diary entry about it all:

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