
Julio Costa Zambelli wrote:
I would not argue if a German city bids for the event (as long as
English is still considered the "lingua franca" for it ;)

I'm in Germany and I have always objected to the idea (even though there were many people in Amsterdam suggesting a location in Germany for the next SOTM). Not that it's my call but whenever someone asked me I said that OSM in Germany is strong enough already and doesn't need the extra PR afforded by such a conference. (Plus, we have a national OSM conference and two large non-OSM conferences that will have an OSM day or OSM track in 2011.)

I appreciated that quite a few overseas visitors made their way to SOTM at Girona even though it meant a long trip for just a weekend, so maybe it is a bit unfair to expect them to come to Europe, but not Europeans to go elsewhere. The main concern I personally have with the Denver location is that I felt that SOTM at Girona was too sponsor-heavy already and I think that a US location will not exactly help to reverse that trend, but I'm aware that I am more sensitive to this than the average SOTM visitor so this is probably more a personal preference.

But even if I personally might decide not to go, I still think it's entirely ok for the project to hold SOTM in the US. It may be true that currently most OSM developers and application makers are in Europe but there's a huge untapped potential of people in the US, and whatever they bring to the project will benefit all of us.

In one of the following years, I think we should go to Asia for the same reasons.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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