Hi all,

we are in discussion with some people in local governments in Albania
about setting up an OSM server and a map host for them.

As you may have read google has started to work with the gov. of
Albania to build better maps,


But also our work has woken interest in OSM and FLOSS, many people from Albania
came to SFK http://kosovasoftwarefreedom.org 2010 and we had many
topics on OSM and GIS, including Mikel Marons great keynote. We also
covered GIS and OSM in freesb.eu in Vlore Albania.

Now, we are looking for people who can help deliver a full package for
a regional government, they have gigabytes of othophotos, shapefiles
and other data,
they would like to first setup a private server for hosting and
serving this data, and then also publish parts to osm , maybe host a
local osm instance.

Also we have gotten a bunch of data from the city of Prizren that is
waiting to be processed, any volunteers? There is so much work to be
done in Kosovo and Albania. Additionally we are working on more
orthophotos of Prishtina for public access.

For governments, they want to have access control on who can edit
things, that is one big issue with using osm directly, another issue
is how to host the TB of data they have.
If there is anyone interested in consulting, training or bidding on
this project, let me know.



James Michael DuPont
Member of Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova and Albania
flossk.org flossal.org

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