On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 12:52 PM, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:
> We have introduced a new binary format that compresses far better than even
> xz, so if you're willing to install extra software for uncompressing data,
> go with the new pbf format. Extracts on the download.geofabrik.de site are
> already available in .osm.pbf, and sonner or later the full planet file will
> be, too.
Awesome, but I haven't found a way to uncompress it.

PS: My question raised because my 4 cores PhenomII computer has
downloaded for more than 11 hours and is uncompressing since 4 hours
ago the planet with full history and haven't finished yet ;)
Fabio Alessandro Locati

Home: Segrate, Milan, Italy (GMT +1)
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