On 25 November 2010 23:17, john whelan <jwhelan0...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the link.  It seems essentially to say no imports since we
> reserve the right to change the license at any time in the future so you
> can't make agreements with third parties and judging by the visuals we've
> seen so far most of the map will need to be remapped by hand even core bits
> of the UK.

Most of the UK has been mapped "by hand". Mappers being on the ground
and knowing the local area is OSM's strength.
Existing imports are being renegotiated and the licensing plan calls
for support from the Licensing Working Group in this regard.
Slowly more of the existing imports are turning green:
Draft template letters are available:

I am on the opinion that imports should be on OUR terms (OSM).
Sure some imports will not be carried across, but we will know where
the gaps are. I like a challenge.

/ Grant

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