On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 6:57 PM, David Murn <da...@incanberra.com.au> wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-12-01 at 12:01 +1300, Robin Paulson wrote:
>> > That's nonsense.  A way does not show a right of passage.  A
>> > particularly tagged way shows a right of passage.  And a park is a
>> > particularly tagged way.
> No, a park *CAN BE* a particularly tagged way.

Can be?  How can you represent a park in OSM without using a way which
is tagged with leisure=park?

> Just like a road, if it
> isnt tagged properly with oneway/access/barrier/etc, the routing will be
> inaccurate.

Correct.  What are you getting at?

> Actually, the fact that its not tagged correctly is a big part of the
> issue.  The renderer has to make assumptions if its not tagged.  If
> there was a tagging scheme to indicate that an area was traversable,
> then routing engines could start to use it,

There is such a tagging scheme.  It is described at

> but Id hate for a routing
> engine to try and take a short cut 'as the crow flies' through an area
> which hasnt got ways marked to follow.

I'd love it.  It's a feature I'm quite looking forward to.  One day
OSM will be able to route me from Linkwood Avenue to Pine Bay Drive
through the park
saving me 50 minutes of walking.

> To take that to a further level,
> what if someone marked a national park as an area, should routers simply
> show a route ATCF or should it only route through a national park area
> if there is a way to follow?

Routers shouldn't route through all areas the same, any more than they
should route along all non-areas the same.  An area tagged with
leisure=park wouldn't have the same access defaults as an area tagged
with building=yes.

And an area representing a national park should not be tagged with
leisure=park.  This is explicitly stated at

"Parks in rural locations (e.g. areas named "National parks") are a
totally different kind of thing. leisure=nature_reserve and
boundary=national_park should be used, and not this leisure=park tag."

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