On 1 December 2010 14:55, Sebastian Klein <basti...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> andrzej zaborowski wrote:
>> On 1 December 2010 13:53, Jo <winfi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> It works great, a bit odd that it's not under WMS that the source needs
>>> to
>>> be added, but I managed to get it to work.
>> Instead of slippmymap plugin you can use (although it's much slower)
>> the wmsplugin with the following url:
>> html:http://josm.openstreetmap.de/wmsplugin/VirtualEarthSat.html?
> This method is not approved. We must show the Bing logo and a list of map
> providers on the map to comply with the terms of use. The wms plugin doesn't
> show this attribution yet.

But the javascript in the file overlays the logo and the attribution
information.  In effect it shows exactly the information that
slippymap plugin and Potlatch 2 show.


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