Thanks for your quick reply.

> by position, do you mean the coordinates? They are available through
> the permalink option.

I wanted to get boundary box or something like that at a glance.
But, the coordinates in the URL would be enough.
Thank you I'll note them.

Although this is not main topic when I trace Bing imagery, I add
YYYY-MM to source tags
watching your site like:
source=Bing, 2007-04
I think the imagery date is important because it may be updated someday.

> As for the tile ID, you can find that out by right-clicking the
> appropriate tile and selecting something like 'image properties' or
> 'image info' from the context menu. The value behind '?t=" is the tile
> quadkey which is the unique identifier.
> Martijn van Exel +++
> laziness – impatience – hubris
> | | 
> twitter / skype: mvexel
> flickr: rhodes
> On Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 3:39 PM, S.Higashi <>
> wrote:
>> Thanks for your tool and this new feature.
>> Also something like the position or ID of each tile would be
>> appriciated, if shown on the screen.
>> I'd like to note where I adjusted the offset of background imagery.
>>> Thanks for this tool, it's really helpful in Romania.
>>> --Ciprian
>>> On Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 3:48 PM, Martijn van Exel <> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I just replaced the Bing aerial imagery analyzer tool with a new
>>>> version.
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